Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-fil-A? You don't say!

This couldn't sum my feelings up any better. I'm not one to get heated up over these types of controversies and here is why: I am a sinner. My anger is sinful. My greed is sinful. My pride is sinful. My lustfulness is sinful. My words are sinful. My gossip is sinful. I am full of sin. Absolutely full of it. Who am I to judge?

I know the bible speaks of homosexuality, but since I'm not attracted to men it doesn't impact me. I have plenty of my own problems. You know what the bible speaks about a lot more? Love. I recently read through 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John and was astounded by the focus on love. As I read it, I thought "Wow, John really doesn't think we get this whole love thing." He's right. We don't get it.

So I'm going to sit this debate out.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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