- I want to improve. This is how I am at everything. Maybe I'm weird, but I always want to get better. I want to lift heavier weights, overcome my latest parenting mistake, shoot better in basketball, keep my house straighter, and yeah- be a better teacher. I want to have better lessons, more authentic learning, and provide more useful feedback for students. I think I'm already a good teacher, but 'good' isn't something to aspire to.
- I want to be held accountable. I have an "accountability partner" for my everyday life that I meet with every Monday. He cares when I screw up and calls me out. When I think about doing something that is dumb, I often think about having to tell him. Usually that keeps me in line. My administrators should do that too. It's not because they don't like me- quite the opposite, really- they want me to be the best teacher I can be.
- I want to show my students how to improve. I want my kids to improve and I hold them accountable for being a student. As a teacher I should model how to do that. I expect my students to respond to evaluations I give by improving themselves. Now they will have a model to follow in this area.
- I want to work with amazing teachers. First off it's important to note that I already do. My circle of "teacher friends" from my school district include some unbelievable educators. Most of the teachers I work with are really good, but they aren't great. Yet. Just like me, I want to move from good to great. Already I've seen teachers in my building quit or cut back extra-curricular activities, come in earlier (one might even say "on time"), and be more assertive, prepared, and productive in our meetings that don't have adminstrators present.
- I want my work to be acknowledged. 7 and 7. I have worked 7 years in my same position and have 7 evaluations to my name. (That's 4 in years 1-2, 3 in years 3-5, and 0 since.) I work hard and do great things in my classroom. My adminstrators should know about it and acknowledge it. Stop in, tell me I'm doing a good job, thank me for the hard work and time I've invested.
- I want someone to care. Have you ever felt that you can pretty much do whatever you want once you close your door and it's just you and your students? I have. I would much prefer to know that someone cares enough about me and the students to come in and verify that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Imagine if I treated students this way- I'm going to assume that everything is going right until one of their parents contact me. That would never work!
Is the evaluation system perfect? No. And neither am I so I'll deal with it. Should our pay be based on these evaluations? That's another post all its own!
I want to be a great teacher. I want someone to show me where I can improve. I want to be evaluated.
Believe it or not!!!! You are evaluated everyday.......By your students, people you come into contact with wherever you are....Your children, evaluate your responses to them...and so does your wife. You are amazing Andrew!! I do understand wanting to better yourself and I wish we all strived more for it each day instead of settling for whatever.....This world would be an amazing place if we each tried to better ourselves..... So I'm gonna reach higher and further the next time I think I can't do it, and try harder to encourage others to be more than they can be....Thanks for the push!!!!!!