Monday, November 19, 2012

DVR: Who's in control???

A couple months ago we gave up cable TV and our (gasp!) DVR. Since then, I've learned that the TV had been controlling me, and it may be controlling you, too.

ESPN, you wonderful home to everything sports. How could I ever live without you??? Every guy that I have spoken to about this asks me something along this line; I asked it of myself when starting to consider this plan. After finally going through with ditching cable I have come to realize that I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought, and I'm certain my family doesn't.

Before, in the days of DVR and cable, I would pretty much sit down and watch football all day on Saturday, all day on Sunday, and stay up late on Monday nights. I watched many games (particularly football) and shows that I didn't care at all about; I just love football.

I love my family more.

My football sweetheart is first and foremost the Indianapolis Colts. I'm a season ticket holder, own more than enough Colts clothing, and even have a Colts-themed basement. I can still watch every Colts game- FREE! It just so happens that TV stations still broadcast over the good 'ol antenna. Plus, it's in hi-def. (FYI- Thursday Night games are broadcast on the local markets' local station in addition to the NFL Network, so I could watch those games.)

What I've lost:

  • Sitting in my recliner all day on the weekends.
  • Staying up much too late on Monday nights.
  • My cable bill.
The biggest lesson I have learned through getting rid of TV is that I don't actually miss it at all. I still have ways to watch a show if I really want to, but I find myself enjoying much more meaningful entertainment like my daughters' giggles. 

Cable companies sell you on the control you get to "enjoy" with DVR, but TV may actually be controlling you. Get off the couch and enjoy yourself!

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